Child GPS Tracker Features

Child Safety App is designed to meet the needs of concerned parents. The application has evolved over years with 1000's of users writing to us about their experiences.

“SOS” button for immediate help

If your child has an emergency, they can press and hold the one-touch “SOS” button to either text or call you. If you don’t answer, Child Safety App will automatically call up to 5 more people in the priority that you choose. The “sound alarm” feature of the GPS tracker raises a maximum volume alarm with an easy option to call the emergency contacts. Quick access to help gets child the attention they need without wasting precious time. SOS messages are sent out with the real-time location to help you reach your child quickly.

Child GPS Tracker includes SOS alert for dangerous situations

Location monitoring with Geo-fence alerts

Do you want to know where your child is right now and make sure she is where she should be? No problem! Monitor the location of the device 24/7 with the child GPS tracker location monitoring feature. Review 90-day location history. Create virtual fences around your child’s most frequently visited places and edit them as you see fit. Review the history of your child’s movements and receive instant notification when your child enters or leaves the boundaries of the zone you have set.

App Usage & Location Logs

Smart parenting starts with poignant monitoring. Get to know your child’s app usage patterns closely to prevent any potential danger.  By potential dangers we mean kidnapping, cyber bullying, identity theft, and several other things. The app usage and location log features of the child GPS tracker helps you with the daily report, which shows you the time spent on the app, locations visited, and alerts. Log in to the control panel to review a complete history of phone usage with 24/7 location tracking going back up to 3 months.

Child GPS Tracker Includes App usage and location logs alert

Location tracking & history

Knowing where your loved ones are 24/7 is a huge relief. The simple icon on the map is very reassuring and convenient too. No more repeated calls to see where your loved ones are. A simple check in with the online console at shows you where your child is right now. Plus, the child GPS tracker feature lists all the locations where he or she has spent time. The location history goes back to 3 months.

Child GPS Tracker Includes Location tracking and history alerts.

High ambient noise alert

A child is often exposed to noisy environments that may not be healthy. This could be a noisy classroom, loud music, traffic noise, or simply other children being nasty or aggressive. High ambient noise is one of the reasons for anxiety in children and can also lead to hearing damage. The child GPS tracker’s high ambient noise alert feature sends you an email if your child is exposed to high noise levels for over 10 seconds. You can configure the noise threshold in the app configuration.


Dangerous situations alert

High G-forces can be caused by many activities, including sports, violent behavior, or irrational driving. Configure the acceptable level of G-force based on your child’s lifestyle to get an alert when this is exceeded. Just knowing when your child could be in a dangerous situation can be very useful in trying to keep your child safe from high-risk activities. This child GPS tracker feature has proven to be very useful when it comes to irresponsible teen driving.


Low Battery Alert

Cell phones have become an integral part of our communication system, often becoming the only point of outside contact with your child. Not being able to reach the phone when needed can be both stressful and unnerving for you. The most common reason for a phone to be offline is when the phone battery dies. Configure the Child Safety App to send you an alert if the battery is close to running out. The app lets you pick from options between 5% and 25% to get an email when the battery is low, along with the location of the device. This child GPS tracker feature also helps your child find their lost devices.

Child GPS Tracker Includes Low battery alerts.

Fall Alert

Although most falls only result in mild bumps, cuts, and bruises, some can cause serious injuries that need immediate medical attention. Child Safety App lets concerned parents track falls and rush to them or send assistance when the child needs help. Fall tracker can be configured at high, medium, or low sensitivity, to customize the tracking engine to the child’s lifestyle and minimizing false alerts. The child GPS tracker’s Fall alerts are emailed to you with the current location of the device.

Child GPS Tracker Includes Fall Alert feature.

Inactivity alert

When you want your child to be cellphone free – during school, dinner, or when they should be sleeping, the Inactivity alert lets you know the total time that your children spend away from their phones. It also alerts you if the phone is left behind. Conversely, it also alerts you in case the phone remains inactive for a long period of time. Most children check their emails or messages at least once in a few hours, and a longer period of inactivity can mean that something is wrong. Every alert is sent with the device location so that help can be sent quickly. You can pick any time interval between 1 and 12 hours of inactivity for the alert to be activated.

Installation Guide