The Ultimate Guide To Child Phone Tracker In 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Being a modern parent, you already know all about the dangers lurking behind bright digital screens. You probably set strict screen time limits and sit your children down for long and constant talks on responsible online and out-of-home behavior. Sadly, no matter what you do, threats have their way of lurking, endangering your child’s safety, and messing with your peace of mind. This is where a child phone tracker comes into play. 

Phone tracker apps and monitoring software keep you present and allow you to track what goes on in your child’s phone—from the apps they use to the people, and they interact with—allowing you to intervene where appropriate and make sure you know where they are when they are not with you.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Child Phone Tracker?
  • Why You Need a Child Phone Tracker
  • Features and Benefits of Child Safety App
  • Why Choose Child Safety App
  • Conclusion

What is a Child Phone Tracker?

The world is a dangerous place for young, innocent, and impressionable children. While parents do their best to keep a close and open relationship with their young, technology creates a huge blind spot to the world that they see and move around in online. Thankfully, technology also offers a practical solution to break through the digital barrier that mobile phones and the internet creates between parent and child. 

A child phone tracker is a type of application designed to monitor a child’s phone, from their app and online activities to their whereabouts. It is an excellent tool for parents who are worried about the safety of their children while they are away, as well as those who want to keep their impressionable kids from the negative influences that exist online and off. 

Why You Need a Child Phone Tracker

Children need their freedom, but a proper degree of control is also crucial to their safety and wellbeing—especially in this day and age when they have access to a world of information and experiences they may not be mature enough to be exposed to. Their curious, trusting, and easily suggestible nature also puts them at risk of all kinds of dangers when they are left on their own with a constantly online and connected device. This is why parents need something to shield their children from a world they may not be ready for—a cruel domain that may prey on their innocence and put them in harm’s way. 

A child phone tracker is an excellent tool not only to filter online and app content and control their browser settings, but also to clamp down their screen time, and monitor their whereabouts. In an increasingly online world, it’s a good idea to filter what your children have access to on their phones and devices so that they don’t stumble upon inappropriate content and come across inappropriate people.

More advanced phone tracker apps even feature tools that help you keep tabs on children’s phone activities—including their text messages, emails, social networks, call logs, and other smartphone functions that could potentially get them in dangerous situations. There are also phone trackers that use a device’s GPS settings to monitor a child’s location so you can easily track their whereabouts when they are out of the house.

Features and Benefits of Child Safety App

The Child Safety App is a child phone tracker complete with a robust set of features and benefits for parents and children. Some of the most notable features of Child Safety App include, but are not limited to:

  • A one-touch SOS button for immediate help in case of emergency
  • Location monitoring features with geo-fence alerts that use GPS technology to track a child’s movements and whereabouts.
  • Application usage and location logs for close monitoring of children’s activities, both online and offline.
  • High ambient noise alert that sends notifications for when children are exposed to noisy environments that may not be healthy for them, from loud traffic noises too loud music, noisy classroom, and the like
  • Dangerous situations alert from G-force-based sensations due to violent behavior, sports, harmful activities, or rash driving; and
  • Inactivity alert in case your child’s phone becomes unusually inactive or is left behind
  • Immediately alerts you if your child experience slips, falls, and injuries that may require immediate medical attention. 
  • Tracks unusual and suspicious idleness that may indicate that something is wrong – be it a lost phone or something more serious.
  • Low battery alert notifies you when your child’s phone batteries are about to run out.

Why Choose Child Safety App

Child Safety App is built and designed for one thing: Keeping children safe from the dangers of the modern world. It gives parents the power to monitor their children’s phone use remotely and track their location, protecting them against dangerous situations, round the clock.


With a child phone tracker, parents have a convenient way to keep track of their children, giving them the advantage of remote monitoring and parental control so they can stay on top of pressing modern-day issues like cyberbullying, teen depression, online predators, and other threats to child safety.

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Download the award-winning Child Safety & Tracker App today for FREE!
